Kelli Berggren (Graham), Bellevue East Class of 2010

In the latest Alumni Spotlight, we chat with Kelli Berggren (Graham), a 2010 graduate of Bellevue East...

Bellevue Alumni Association - Alumni Spotlight:

Kelli Berggren (Graham), Bellevue East Class of 2010


Q: What was your most memorable experience in high school?

A: Competing in Forensics is by far my most cherished memory of high school. It allowed me the opportunity to express myself in a creative way and really got me to step out of my comfort zone for public speaking. I use this skill in my everyday life and current career.


Q: Tell us about a teacher, coach, or staff member who significantly impacted you

A: Every single teacher I had was fantastic! However, Mr. Campbell was the most memorable teacher for me. He genuinely cared about each and every student he had.


Q: What activities, clubs, or sports were you involved in during high school, and how did they influence your path after graduation?

A: I was in Cheerleading, which was so much fun and great exercise. I joined Forensics and Drama because I love people. I chose a career path that allows me the autonomy to work for myself but also to lead others. I love to see others succeed and to help them get there.


Q: What do you do for a living?

A: I am a Real Estate Broker and Owner of a Coldwell Banker Franchise in Indiana and Illinois. I also GC many home flips and design them. I typically flip around seven properties at any one time with my husband, who is a Real Estate Attorney. We started a Real Estate School as well and it has been so rewarding to help others get their real estate license and to then be able to coach and guide them. I chose this path because I strongly felt like it was my calling. My 5 year future goal is to design for Hotels. I have experience in residential, but commercial would be so much fun! We will see what the future brings!!


Q: What has been your proudest achievement since leaving high school?

A: My biggest accomplishment is continuing my education and following my dreams. I never gave up on myself, and I continue to push myself daily.


Q: Tell us about your family.

A: I have three children, and we are expecting again! I have a nine year old daughter, (Swayzee) along with identical twin girls, (Bradley & Blakely) who are a little over a year. We almost lost them to stage three Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome which occurs rarely when twins share the same placenta. I had to have emergency surgery when I was 18 weeks pregnant. Thankfully they made it through and they are so chunky and so healthy! They are in the 95th percentile. While identical, their personalities are total opposite! It's so much fun to get the best of both worlds. We are expecting our fourth child now, and we are so excited. My husband (Justin Berggren) and I met briefly at an office and then again on Facebook. We work in the same industry. He is a Real Estate Attorney in Illinois. I love working in the same industry together. I can't imagine it any other way!


Q: What advice would you give to current students in Bellevue who are trying to figure out their future paths?

A: Don't doubt yourself. I had to drop out in 10th grade and had a child at a fairly young age. Follow your dreams and don't look back. Wake up every day with a list and ask yourself what you could do to get closer to your dream. YOU ARE SMART ENOUGH!!!!

Kelli’s Favorites…..

Movie: I don’t watch movies

Book: My Bible

Song: Thank God I Do, Lauren Diagle

Food: Pizza, but only from Chicago

Bellevue Restaurants: I used to love eating at Village Inn with my dad. He has since tragically passed away. Those memories are very fond for me.


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